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Oxley Outfitters

Baxter Pony Rider


Demonstrating the knowledge and experience of true craftsmanship. The Baxter Pony Rider is a classic equestrian boot, featuring supple full grain leather and stitched leather sole. Look the part in the Pony Rider.

UK sizing, refer to the size guide to find your fit.

Care Instructions

Remove dust and grime from upper with a lightly dampened cloth or sponge and then leave to dry naturally. Once dry, apply polish, leave polish to dry then buff with a soft brush or cloth.
Leather soles are very easily damaged by heat. Damp soles should be allowed to dry out slowly in a well ventilated place that is not warmer than a normal living room. One safe way to assist the drying out of very wet shoes is to take up excess moisture by stuffing them with dry newspaper for a few hours or overnight. Leather soled footwear is best used as a dress option.

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